• Old Fort Harrod State Park


    EntertainmentArts & CraftsEducationRecreation

    About Us

    A full-scale replica of the fort built by James Harrod in 1774 is the centerpiece of Old Fort Harrod State Park in Harrodsburg, KY. Cabins and blockhouses are furnished with handmade utensils, furniture, crude tools and implements used by the pioneers. The park complex also features the historic Mansion Museum, George Rogers Clark Federal Monument, Lincoln Marriage Temple, and oldest cemetery west of the Alleghenies.

    Open Thursday-Friday only Jan. and Feb.

    December 2020 we will be open Thursday-Saturday 9-4:30. That includes the Fort, Lincoln Marriage Temple and Gift Shop. Along with all the monuments and park grounds.

    January-February 2021 we will open Thursday and Friday only 9-4:30. That includes the Fort, Lincoln Marriage Temple and Gift Shop. Along with all the monuments and park grounds.

    March 2021 we will go back to ''season'' hours of Wednesday-Friday 9-5 and Sunday noon-5. That includes the Fort, Lincoln Marriage Temple and Gift Shop. Along with all the monuments and park grounds.

    April 1, 2021 will be the same hours as above but the Mansion Museum will open for the season.

    April 16th, 2021 our Historical interpreters will start working in the cabins explaining and demonstrating.

    October 31, 2021, this will be the last day for the interpreters and the Mansion Museum will close for the season.

    Of course this is the plan as of now and is subject to change as covid-19 requirements are constantly changing.

    Video Media


    • HIstorical
    • Family activities
    • Live interpreters
    • Blacksmith
    • Gunsmith


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  • Director's Notes Director's Notes

    Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!


    Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spearhead of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons. 


    Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com