About Us
Welcome to the Mercer County Chamber of Commerce, located in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
Check out our Calendar of Events for upcoming events. As a new service to Chamber members, you may submit your events for posting on our monthly calendar. Click Here to submit your event.
The mission of the Mercer County Chamber of Commerce is to provide leadership, support and education necessary for economic stability and growth through involvement in business, government, and community activities.
Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, at 8:00 am and location is on a rotating basis. Our board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month, at Noon.
The Mercer County Chamber of Commerce has over 385 members. The Chamber is committed to building a strong local economy, strengthening, enhancing and protecting business. The Mercer County Chamber of Commerce has been influencing public policy on behalf of the business community, helping Central Kentucky become a thriving and dynamic marketplace of opportunities.
Membership is open to businesses that maintain an annual dues investment. Benefits of membership include networking opportunities, community involvement, image enhancement, political advocacy, information access, numerous discounts and benefits and heightened credibility.
From advertising to continuing education, networking events and seminars, the Chamber offers a variety of ways to build your business.Government Advocacy
The Chamber takes care of politics so you can take care of your business. We are a respected voice when it comes to protecting and promoting free enterprise and minimizing government interference and taxation.
The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who are investing their time and money in a community development program - working together to improve the economic, civic and cultural well being of the area.
Any citizen who is interested in helping to develop the area (which means more money, more business, more jobs, and other better living for everyone) is eligible to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce. The dues structure is designed to permit individuals and even the smallest businesses to be members.
The work of the Chamber is financed by the investment of the members who support it on the basis of their size and interest in the progress of the area. It is a private and community membership group.
The Chamber of Commerce is composed of a Board of Directors, Committee Workers, and Officers who serve voluntarily, without pay.
The Chamber of Commerce is a service institution and an action organization. It provides a medium through which people can take effective action for the progress of the community.
It helps create job opportunities through stimulation of industrial and commercial growth.
It seeks the improvement of the community by supporting downtown beautification efforts such as the Courthouse Renovation Project, schools, and civic organizations.
It supports and facilitates community events and gatherings in the city. It keeps a current calendar of events schedule.
It works to support and develop the agriculture industry of the area.
In all of these functions, the Chamber of Commerce is serving as a partner of every business and every professional person in the area.
The Chamber of Commerce functions through the working committees of the organization. Money, planning, inspiration, and guidance depend on the members working vigorously on the committee of their choice.
Careful study is made of the community needs and an action plan is designed. The goal of the Action Plan is to improve the economic welfare of the community.
Every member has a voice in determining the policies and projects and every member is needed to work on active committees to get the job done. We welcome your input!
For the Retailer
The Chamber works for industrial and business development, which supports new residents with their revenues for our community. It provides educational opportunities and assists businesses with the latest marketing and promotional techniques.
For the Service Establishment
The Chamber works for the ever-increasing population, assuring additional customers and income. It works toward the increasing development of highways, recreational areas, new industries, and the expansion of existing industries; all of which increase the demand for services.
For the Construction, Real Estate, Investment and Insurance Firm
The Chamber provides an expanding market for construction, real estate and insurance professionals by promoting business, and attracting new industries and residents. Potential customers are referred to members on a daily basis.
For the Professional
The Chamber works continuously for the growth of the city, business expansion and population increase to insure the professional a prosperous place in which to make a living.
For the Motel, Restaurant Operator
The Chamber works to promote festivals and events, conferences, and sales meetings, which bring new patrons and money into businesses. It supports the seasonal and holiday events that attract people to our community. The Chamber Web Page lists members and tourist attractions.
For the Home and Property Owner
The Chamber supports the Courthouse Renovation project and other beautification programs aimed at making our city a better place in which to live. It cooperates with church, cultural and entertainment groups to provide a more interesting and meaningful life for residents and visitors. It cooperates with educational facilities to insure a quality educational system. This results in strong property values and a brisk real estate market.
For All Members
The Chamber represents the opinions of the members to city, state and national elected officials, and monitors legislative issues that impact the membership.
Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com