Understanding Your Financial Statements
Make sense of your financial reports and use them to make more money--And no prior knowledge of finance and accounting is required!
In this information-packed seminar, you'll become familiar with primary financial statements. In easy-to-understand language, you'll learn how to read these statements, interpret the data and use the data to make decisions to grow your business.
Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 5, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT7/5/22
Online Meeting (Live)
No Fee
Register at:
https://uky.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4LySS-ldQLiJGLLJjeHrCgContact Information
Rhonda Jones 502-625-0123
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Director's Notes
We would love for you to feel the holiday season in a special way in 2024!
Patronize our small businesses during Shop Small Season. We promote this event all through December.
See the Harrodsburg Christmas Forest at Old Fort Harrod State Park Through the 1st week of January.