The Harrodsburg Historical Society
Monthly meetings of the Historical Societyhhsboard2020@gmail.comKandie Adkinson
Our preeminent expert on Kentucky land patents and ownership explains the value of land information to history and genealogy researchers, and how to use the new book published by the James Harrod Trust:Mercer County Land Patents: A Comprehensive Study of Land Appropriation, Mercer County, Kentucky, 1779-1841
7:00 PM March 12, 2024
Morgan Row, 220 S. Chiles St., Harrodsburg, KYIf you would like to join by Zoom contact us.
May--Patsi Trollinger will discuss how to identify and research people and topics in history that have been overlooked.
Morgan Row, 220 S. Chiles St., Harrodsburg
May 9, 7:00 PMImages
Gallery Image
The Harrodsburg Historical SocietyDate and Time
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ESTEvery 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 PM
Free to the public.
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Director's Notes
Winter has sure packed a punch!
We hope our members and business community are braving the elements well.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com