Old Fort Harrd 250th Events
It is finally here! The latest up-to-date schedule for the 15th Annual Settlement & Raid/Harrodsburg's 250th Celebration. This is only the schedule for the Settlement & Raid, don't forget that there are loads of events, presentations and concerts all over down town Harrodsburg.Saturday June 8th9:30 - SAR Patriot Grave Marking11:30 - 250th Parade1:15 - Native Friendship Dance1:15 - National Guard interactive Event1:30 - Miss Harrodsburg Historical Pageants7:00 - Advocate Brass Band ConcertThursday June 1310:00 - Canoe Trip on KY River (pre-registration required)4:00 - Frontier Laundry with Sam Powell5:00 - Cooking on the Frontier with Monica Martin6:00 - Long Rifles of Harrodsburg with Mel HanklaFriday June 1410:00 Jane Coomes (Frontier educator) with Allison Dorty11:00 - Gallery Talk and Exhibit Opening "Threads of the Revolution"12:00 - Picnic in the Park (a 40 year tradition) with Jon Hagee1:00 - Frontier Cooking with Monica Martin2:00 - Flag Day - Flag Retirment Ceremony with the SAR3:00 - Native Captives with Jon Hagee4:00 - "Tea is for Tierany" presentation with Pam Eddey5:00 - Native Stories with re-enactor Russell Morris6:00 - Concert by the Green River Band8:00 - Council Fire in Native CampSaturday June 159:30 - Dedication of Cemetery Marker for Iverson Wilson10:00 The Trial of James Bridges (accused of Murdering James Harrod )11:00 - Native Adoptions with re-enactor Don Shaver12:00 - Long Rifles of Harrodsburg with Mel Hankla1:00 - Tales From the Wild Frontier with David Owens3:00 - RAID ON FORT HARROD4:00 - Danial Boone with Steven Caudill5:00 - Simon Kenton with Jon Hagee6:00 - Drumming & Singing with Native re-enactors8:00 - Tavern Night Concert with Hogeye Navvy bandSunday June 16 Founder's Day10:00 Devine Church Service with Don Drewry11:00 - Frontier Wedding of Jennifer Current and Mike Miller12:00 - Frontier Laundry with Sam Powell AND Frontier Cooking with Monica Martin1:00 - Daniel Boone life and times with Steven Caudill2:00 Harrodsburg Legacy Documentary viewing3:00 - 5:00 Founder's Day/250th Celebration Event!This is just our Main Stage performances, there will be Colonial Music, Vendors, Traders, Settlers, Natives, Gunsmiths, blacksmiths and much much more going all day Thursday afternoon - Sunday.Old Fort Harrd 250th EventsDate and Time
Saturday Jun 8, 2024 Sunday Jun 16, 2024
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com