Maple Grove Cemetery Tour
Tour of Maple Grove Cemetery the traditional African American resting place in Harrodsburg.
HMCAAHS is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to observe the heritage and legacy of the African American community here in Harrodsburg and Mercer County. Meetings are every 3rd Monday at the MCPL. We encourage not only African American’s but the whole community to be a part of our organization.Images
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Maple Grove Cemetery TourDate and Time
Saturday Jun 8, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDTJune 8th starting at 5 PM
Maple Grove Cemetery on Cornishville Road
No fee
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com