Harrodsburg Lions Club Run for Sight
The Pioneer Days Festival, along with the Harrodsburg Lions Club, have again partnered together for this year's Lions Club - Pioneer Days 5K. This event is part of the Harrodsburg Pioneer Days Festival of Events.This event will start at 8am on Saturday, Aug 19th in front of the Athletic Complex at the Campbellsville University/Harrodsburg site. The course will take the participants from the Athletic Complex, past the Chiropractic Facility, circle around the Conover Education Center, head them back - past the Chiropractic Center and Athletic Complex, towards the Student Dorms, and down to the finish where they will run around the Athletic Track. All proceeds from this event will be utilized to fund the purchase of eyeglasses for those in need, Lions Club Scholarships, and other local projects supported by the Harrodsburg Lions Club.
https://runsignup.com/Race/KY/Harrodsburg/PioneerDay5KDate and Time
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDTFees/Admission
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com