Harrodsburg Kiwanis Club
Monthly meeting at 1st Financial Bank
Harrodsburg Kiwanis ClubDate and Time
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDTMonthly meeting s alternate between a lunch and an evening meeting.
Kiwanis Club meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. First meeting @ 12:00 noon, second @ 5:00 p.m. Both meetings held @ 1st Financil BankLocation
Corner of Chiles and Lexington Streets-upstairs in the meeting room
Contact Information
Kim or Glen
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com