Entrepreneurship Fair Mercer Schools
tudents will be selling a variety of goods and services- food, goodies, stocking stuffers, slime, sweets, jewelry, and some fun carnival style games.
Entrepreneurship Fair Mercer SchoolsDate and Time
Friday Dec 6, 2024
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM ESTLocation
Contact Information
Austin Cocanougher, MAT Business and Marketing Teacher Director of Co-op, School Store Mercer County Schools O. (859)733-7160 ext. 8156 C. (859)612-7602
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com