3k/5k Walk for Life
Haven Care Centers 1st Annual 3K/5K Walk for Life!!Sign Up as a runner or participate: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/havcarcen/event/hccwalkforlife/
Be a Sponsor: (859) 236-9282
Participate in the Coloring Contest: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdquD.../viewform
More Information: https://havencarecenter.org/event/3k-5k-walk-for-life/
Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/3rKTcTrmp
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3k/5k Walk for LifeDate and Time
Saturday May 13, 2023
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDTRegister 7 am. 5k starts at 8 am and 3K starts at 10 am.
Millenium Park Danville Ky 40422
$15 for 10 years old on down and $30 for age 11 on up. Registration includes a tshirt, bib, and competition for an award.
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Director's Notes
Meet Ashley Rainey and her family!
Ashley is the Chamber Office Assistant and new spirit head of Pioneer Days with the help of chairman Scott Hammons.
Call or email us for new events and membership needs at 859-734-2365 or info@mercerchamber.com